Mantis Bug Tracker

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000406MPfmUI | Androidpublic2013-01-11 17:582013-10-23 17:26
Assigned Toycastonguay 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target Version0.7.0.0Fixed in Version 
Summary0000406: Implement the MPfm.MVP views for Android
DescriptionUse the MPfm.MVP views and implement a new user interface for Android.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files

- Relationships
child of 0000302assignedycastonguay Add support for multiple platforms using the Mono Framework (Linux, OS X, iOS, Android) 

-  Notes
svn (developer)
2013-01-11 18:15

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 655).

Moved classes that were unique to desktop platforms from MPfm.Core to MPfm.WindowsControls (this will enable MPfm.Core to build on iOS and Android).
Added preprocessor conditions for multiple playforms in Tracing.

Related to issue 0000405 and issue 0000406.

Files modified:
U MPfm/branches/current/MPFM.sln
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/ColorManipulation.cs
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/Config.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/Conversion.cs
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/ImageManipulation.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/Tracing.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.WindowsControls/MPfm.WindowsControls.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.WindowsControls/Misc/ColorManipulation.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.WindowsControls/Misc/ImageConversion.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.WindowsControls/Misc/ImageManipulation.cs
svn (developer)
2013-01-11 21:53

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 657).

BASS.NET is currently compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac and iOS, but not
Android! Since only the P/Invoke part of BASS.NET is used, replace BASS.NET with
a minimal P/Invoke library.

Related to issue 0000405 and issue 0000406.

Files modified:
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/BassWrapper/BassCallbacks.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/BassWrapper/BassMethods.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/BassWrapper/Mix/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/BassWrapper/Mix/BassMixCallbacks.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/BassWrapper/Mix/BassMixEnums.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/BassWrapper/Mix/BassMixMethods.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/BassWrapper/Mix/BassMixStructs.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.csproj
svn (developer)
2013-01-13 14:18

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 663).

Added class library project files for iOS and Android.

Related to issue 0000405 and issue 0000406.

Files modified:
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.Android.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.iOS.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.iOS.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.iOS.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.Android.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.iOS.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.Android.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.iOS.csproj
svn (developer)
2013-01-15 21:31

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 678).

Added Android solution. Fixed all CSPROJ for building on Android.
Player has a minimal test on Android, but returns garbled audio.
Started to add a configuration property for using floating point (not supported on Android)

Related to issue 0000406.

Files modified:
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Player.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/PlaylistItem.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm_Android.sln
svn (developer)
2013-01-20 16:15

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 682).

Android: Added solution file and Hello World project with BASS native libraries for Android.
Also, all the namespaces have been fixed by ReSharper on all projects. This is why a lot of files are included in this check-in.

Related to issue 0000406.

Files modified:
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Assets/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Assets/AboutAssets.txt
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Properties/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/AboutResources.txt
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/Icon.png
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Strings.xml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/Attributes/DatabaseFieldAttribute.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/ByteArrayQueue.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/CacheStore.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/Extensions/DictionaryExtension.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Core/XMLHelper.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Gateway/IMPfmGateway.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Gateway/ISQLiteGateway.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Gateway/MPfmGateway.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Gateway/SQLiteGateway.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/ILibrary.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Library.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Objects/Folder.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Objects/History.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Objects/PlaylistFile.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Objects/Setting.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/UpdateLibrary/UpdateLibraryArgument.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/UpdateLibrary/UpdateLibraryException.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/UpdateLibrary/UpdateLibraryFinishedData.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/UpdateLibrary/UpdateLibraryMode.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/UpdateLibrary/UpdateLibraryProgressData.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/UpdateLibrary/UpdateLibraryProgressDataSong.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrapper/Bootstrapper.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrapper/LibraryModule.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Config/MPfmAudioConfig.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Config/MPfmConfig.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Config/MPfmControlsConfig.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Config/MPfmTableViewColumnConfig.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Config/MPfmTableViewConfig.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Config/MPfmWindowConfig.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Config/MPfmWindowsConfig.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Helpers/ConfigurationHelper.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Helpers/EQPresetHelper.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Messages/LibraryBrowserItemDoubleClickedMessage.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Messages/LibraryBrowserItemSelectedMessage.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Messages/PlayerStatusMessage.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Messages/PlayerStatusType.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Messages/SongBrowserItemDoubleClickedMessage.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Models/LibraryBrowserEntity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Models/PlayerPositionEntity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Models/PlayerTimeShiftingEntity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Models/PlayerVolumeEntity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Models/SongBrowserQueryEntity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Models/SongInformationEntity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Models/UpdateLibraryEntity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/NavigationManager.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/BasePresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/EffectsPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IBasePresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IEffectsPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ILibraryBrowserPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IMainPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IPlayerPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IPlaylistPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IPreferencesPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISongBrowserPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISplashPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IUpdateLibraryPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/LibraryBrowserPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MainPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlaylistPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PreferencesPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SongBrowserPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SplashPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/UpdateLibraryPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/AudioFileCacheService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/Events/ProcessEndedEventArgs.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/Events/RefreshStatusEventArgs.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/InitializationService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IAudioFileCacheService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IInitializationService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/ILibraryService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IPlayerService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IUpdateLibraryService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/LibraryService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/UpdateLibraryService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/ViewModels/BaseViewModel.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/ViewModels/LibraryBrowserViewModel.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/ViewModels/SplashViewModel.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IBaseView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IEffectsView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/ILibraryBrowserView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMainView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlaylistView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPreferencesView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISongBrowserView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISplashView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IUpdateLibraryView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Events/PlayerPlaylistIndexChangedData.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Events/PlayerStreamCallbackData.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Exceptions/PlayerCreateStreamException.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/IPlayer.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Objects/EQPreset.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Objects/EQPresetBand.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Objects/Loop.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Objects/Marker.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Objects/PlayerSyncProc.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Objects/RepeatType.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Player.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioFile.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioFileFormat.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioFileFormatExtension.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioFileFormatExtensions.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioTools.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/ConvertAudio.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/ASIOInfo.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/Base.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/Channel.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/ChannelType.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/Device.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/DeviceHelper.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/DriverType.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/Exception.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/IChannel.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/IMixerChannel.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/ITestDevice.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/MixerChannel.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Bass.Net/TestDevice.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/PeakFile.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/Playlist.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/PlaylistFileFormat.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/PlaylistItem.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/PlaylistTools.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Tags/APEMetadata.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Tags/APETag.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Tags/ID3v2Metadata.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Tags/ID3v2Tag.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Tags/SV7Metadata.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Tags/SV7Tag.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Tags/SV8Metadata.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/Tags/SV8Tag.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/XingInfoHeaderReader.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm_Android.sln
svn (developer)
2013-01-23 21:54

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 686).

Added a lot of stuff to the Android prototype, too long to list. See checked-in files.

Related to issue 0000406.

Files modified:
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SplashActivity.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/GenericListAdapter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/TabPagerAdapter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/GenericListFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapHelper.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/TabListener.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Objects/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Objects/GenericListItem.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/Icon.png
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/Icon.png
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/Splash.png
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Fragment_Player.axml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/main_menu.xml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Styles.xml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Player/Player.cs
svn (developer)
2013-01-28 20:17

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 687).

MPfm Windows: Updated WinForms project after major namespace refactoring in one of the last check-ins.
Library: Added a second implementation of Gateway, for Mono.Data.Sqlite. Useful for Android.
Android: Added Update Library dialog, which works very well so far.
NavigationManager: Updated implementation for Android.

Related to issue 0000406.

Files modified:
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/BaseActivity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SplashActivity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/TabPagerAdapter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/AndroidNavigationManager.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/BaseFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Objects/ApplicationState.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Objects/GenericListItem.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/fade_in.xml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/fade_out.xml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Fragment_UpdateLibrary.axml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Splash.axml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/main_menu.xml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Styles.xml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/DatabaseFacade.cs
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/ISQLiteGateway.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/IDatabaseFacade.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/ISQLiteGateway.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/MonoSQLiteGateway.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/SQLiteGateway.cs
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Gateway/
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/ILibrary.cs
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Lib/AsyncCtpLibrary.dll
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Lib/AsyncCtpLibrary.xml
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Lib/System.Reactive.dll
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Lib/taglib-sharp.dll
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Library.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrapper/Bootstrapper.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Helpers/ConfigurationHelper.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/NavigationManager.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MainPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SplashPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/UpdateLibraryPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/InitializationService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/LibraryService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/UpdateLibraryService.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IUpdateLibraryView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioFile.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/PeakFile.cs
svn (developer)
2013-01-29 19:35

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 691).

Android: Added Settings activity.
Android: Formatted the Update Library fragment.

Related to issue 0000406.

Files modified:
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PreferencesActivity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/TabPagerAdapter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AudioPreferencesFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/GeneralPreferencesFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/LibraryPreferencesFragment.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Fragment_AudioPreferences.axml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Fragment_GeneralPreferences.axml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Fragment_LibraryPreferences.axml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Fragment_UpdateLibrary.axml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Settings.axml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/main_menu.xml
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Styles.xml
svn (developer)
2013-01-30 20:23

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 692).

Split Preference views into 3 different views.
Added MobileLibraryBrowserView/Presenter.
A lot of modifications to the NavigationManager to support Android and other mobile devices.

Related to issue 0000406.

Files modified:
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/BaseActivity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PreferencesActivity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/GenericListAdapter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/AndroidNavigationManager.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AudioPreferencesFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseListFragment.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/GeneralPreferencesFragment.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/LibraryPreferencesFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrapper/Bootstrapper.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/NavigationManager.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/AudioPreferencesPresenter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/GeneralPreferencesPresenter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IAudioPreferencesPresenter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IGeneralPreferencesPresenter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ILibraryPreferencesPresenter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IMobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/LibraryPreferencesPresenter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IAudioPreferencesView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IBaseView.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IGeneralPreferencesView.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/ILibraryPreferencesView.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPreferencesView.cs
svn (developer)
2013-02-05 17:16

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 693).

Updated NavigationManager for Android. Now adds tabs dynamically! Also split NavigationManager to MobileNavigationManager.

Related to issue 0000406.

Files modified:
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/AndroidNavigationManager.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseDialogFragment.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SplashFragment.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs
A MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/NavigationManager.cs
D MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/NavigationManager.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MainPresenter.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SplashPresenter.cs
svn (developer)
2013-02-05 18:13

The user animal has checked in files related to this issue (revision 694).

Android: Moved splash and update library dialogs from MainActivity to separate DialogFragments.

Related to issue 0000406.

Files modified:
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/AndroidNavigationManager.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SplashFragment.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs
U MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs

- Related Changesets
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master fddbe78f
Timestamp: 2013-02-11 23:50:59
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
PlayerFragment is now bound to IPlayerView.
More modifications to the MobileNavigationManager.
The MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter now calls the MobileNavigationManager to push a new view (Player in this case).

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PreferencesActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/TabPagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SplashFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrap/Bootstrapper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/MobileLibraryBrowserItemClickedMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Models/SongInformationEntity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/AudioFileCacheService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileOptionsMenuView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/Playlist.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 19d5d7b9
Timestamp: 2013-02-13 18:26:30
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
The MobileLibraryBrowser is now fed from the database.
However, only the Artist tab works for now.
Updated Android project with new changes.

Related to issue 0000406 and issue 0000409.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AudioPreferencesFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseDialogFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseListFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/GeneralPreferencesFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/LibraryPreferencesFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/slide_in_left.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/slide_out_right.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AudioPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Fragment_UpdateLibrary.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GeneralPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LibraryPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/UpdateLibrary.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/MobileLibraryBrowserItemClickedMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/UpdateLibraryPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IUpdateLibraryView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master fed9c4c1
Timestamp: 2013-03-14 17:14:25
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Updated project after changes on iOS.
Split PeakFileGenerator into different files and added an interface.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/LoopsFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PitchShiftingFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerMetadataFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioFile.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/IPeakFileGenerator.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileCorruptedException.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileDoneData.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileFormatIncompatibleException.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileGenerator.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileProgressData.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileStartedData.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 75ee7594
Timestamp: 2013-04-11 18:23:10
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Updated BASS.NET version.
Resynced project files after changes in iOS.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/LoopsFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Lib/Android/ Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master ec7755ac
Timestamp: 2013-06-27 20:02:44
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed DialogFragment display. Converted PlayerFragment to PlayerActivity.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/TabPagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/LibraryPreferencesFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 6bb7ee77
Timestamp: 2013-06-29 15:43:58
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bug with orientation change on newer activities. Converted SyncFragment to SyncActivity.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PreferencesActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SyncFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master cd63e0db
Timestamp: 2013-07-01 11:14:54
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Merged MainFragment with MainActivity. Fixed bug where the PlayerActivity would restart the song when coming back from another application. Now showing mini player properly when coming back from player; clicking on the mini player will go back to the player view (i.e. recreate the Player activity).

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/BaseActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PreferencesActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MainFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MainActivity.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 5ecda3d2
Timestamp: 2013-07-01 13:43:04
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Pushing new fragments in MobileLibraryBrowser tabs now work properly.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PreferencesActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainTabPagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlayerMetadata.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 5dc027d7
Timestamp: 2013-07-01 15:48:05
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added controls to Loops, Markers, Pitch Shifting, Time Shifting fragments.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Loops.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e69bac39
Timestamp: 2013-07-01 18:22:14
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added widget compatible with lock screen on Android 4.2+. The widget only shows "Loading" for now.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidget.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayerLoading.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/xml/widget_player.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 7fd437e3
Timestamp: 2013-07-01 20:15:04
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Pitch shifting and time shifting now work properly! Connected presenter/view logic for PitchShiftingFragment and TimeShiftingFragment. EqualizerPresetsActivity can now be opened from PlayerActivity.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PitchShiftingFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/TimeShiftingFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/main_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/player_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 4e8cdee6
Timestamp: 2013-07-01 21:52:59
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: MarkersFragment now refreshes the list of markers; markers can be selected and edited. Added MarkerDetailsActivity. Added empty custom view for wave forms.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MarkerDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MarkersListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/WaveFormView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Loops.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MarkerCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MarkerDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MarkersPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 8886b92b
Timestamp: 2013-07-02 18:59:00
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed "up navigation" for EqualizerPresets by using intent extras and saving the parent activity type.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master adcd6ad2
Timestamp: 2013-07-02 19:40:37
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Converted EqualizerPresetDetails fragment to activity. Added layout for EqualizerPresets. Added empty OutputMeterView.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/EqualizerPresetDetailsFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresets_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/EqualizerPresetsPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e4d97346
Timestamp: 2013-07-02 19:59:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added layout for EqualizerPresetDetails. Missing dynamic views in scrollview (i.e. equalizer bands). Added empty EqualizerPresetGraphView control.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/EqualizerPresetGraphView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e8d377a4
Timestamp: 2013-07-09 21:43:32
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added UI for EqualizerPresetDetails with all hooks to presenter.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetFadersListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetFaderCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Splash.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresetdetails_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master cc140c29
Timestamp: 2013-07-09 22:00:17
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added list adapter for equalizer presets; can now select, add and edit presets.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetFadersListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetsListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master c811cb1a
Timestamp: 2013-07-11 16:56:41
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Now refreshing fragments when clicking on the player bar in the Main Activity.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerMetadataFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerMetadataPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master bafc706d
Timestamp: 2013-07-11 18:11:16
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed MobileLibraryBrowserFragment to a simple Fragment instead of ListFragment. Added grid view to MobileLibraryBrowserFragment for albums (the album art isn't loaded yet though).

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseListFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master f73655ec
Timestamp: 2013-07-11 19:49:44
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added album art loading from presenter in MobileLibraryBrowser. Another Android WTF: GetView in a list adapter gets called very often (especially position 0), so the album art loading is disabled for now. Why can't you optimize your code, Google? Do you expect developers always to get around your stupid bugs? This is happening WAY too often.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainTabStatePagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 85989438
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 19:14:58
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed layout for Sync screen. Sync screen is fully functional. Added layout for SyncMenu screen. SyncMenu is partly functional. Added free space detection in AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications. Fixed bug in free space calculation in SyncMenuPresenter.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SyncMenuFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ISyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 5a744ac2
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 19:42:10
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed regression bug; the fragments would send a OnViewReady event even when the fragment is reactivated (i.e. not destroyed).

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e261e1d8
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 20:08:17
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added SyncWebBrowser view/activity.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncWebBrowserActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncWebBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncWebBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 6baad04e
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 20:47:40
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added SyncDownloadActivity (empty for now). SyncMenuActivity is now fully working except for item selection and missing glyphs for artists/albums/songs/checkmarks.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SyncDownloadFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenuCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/syncmenu_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master d637f969
Timestamp: 2013-07-16 17:18:08
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added layout for SyncDownload activity. Added checkbox, artist and album icons for all Android pixel densities.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncDownload.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenuCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/checkbox_checked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/checkbox_partial.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/checkbox_unchecked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_artist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_vinyl.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/checkbox_checked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/checkbox_partial.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/checkbox_unchecked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_artist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_vinyl.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/checkbox_checked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/checkbox_partial.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/checkbox_unchecked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_artist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_vinyl.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/checkbox_checked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/checkbox_partial.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/checkbox_unchecked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_artist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_vinyl.png Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 7107d2b8
Timestamp: 2013-07-16 21:55:15
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Added cancelling to SyncDiscoveryService.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/ISyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e387e42b
Timestamp: 2013-07-16 23:01:45
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added icons for all syncable device types. SyncDownload activity is now fully functional; there is however a performance bug because the timer refreshes the download progress too often. Fixed list view dividers in all screens.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_android.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_linux.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_osx.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_phone.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_tablet.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_windows.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_android.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_linux.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_osx.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_phone.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_tablet.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_windows.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_android.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_linux.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_osx.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_phone.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_tablet.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_windows.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_android.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_linux.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_osx.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_phone.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_tablet.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_windows.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ISyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncDownloadView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 7f82bf59
Timestamp: 2013-07-17 19:12:19
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added more icons for action bar actions. Fixed several bugs in sync layout screens. Now downloading audio files into subdirectories. Added About Sessions screen.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/AboutActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Clients/MyWebViewClient.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/About.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncDownload.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenuCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresets_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/syncmenu_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_download.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_download.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_download.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_download.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/AboutPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IAboutView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 2d7d71b0
Timestamp: 2013-07-18 18:46:20
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Refactored how the ViewPager for the MainActivity returns the fragments. The previous recipe wasn't working well with backstacking. The navigation manager now keeps a history of the main parameters the mobile library browser in order to be able to recreate the fragment when necessary. Will require minor changes on iOS.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainTabStatePagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PreferencesPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master bd46b05c
Timestamp: 2013-07-18 20:38:18
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Updated project after iOS changes in MobileNavigationManager. Confirmed that the project can be built and published to a aligned and signed release APK.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master b9dec160
Timestamp: 2013-07-18 23:20:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed parameters for view creation of SyncMenu and SyncDownload in MobileNavigationManager. This allows the view to know more about the device (i.e. display device name in action bar on Android). Added layout for MobileLibraryBrowserCell. Added album panel to MobileLibraryBrowser layout. Now loading album art in mini player. Multiple layout bug fixes.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncDownload.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncDownloadView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncMenuView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master c124f562
Timestamp: 2013-07-19 15:20:00
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Partially fixed coming back into the application after a MainActivity destruction.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SplashFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SplashPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IPlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISplashView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetKey.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e1dacbd7
Timestamp: 2013-07-20 22:15:07
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added images for all player-related buttons. Added previous/play/pause/next buttons to player bar in MainActivity. Updated backgrounds for all slides of Player view so that the PlayerMetadata fragment is partially transparent.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Loops.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlayerMetadata.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 8309f680
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 12:09:15
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bug in synchronization file path management. Fixed bug in loading bitmaps throughout the application (was always reloading the same album art because the key was too unique). More layout bug fixes.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlayerMetadata.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master bffddb90
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 16:07:28
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Several layout bug fixes in Sync screens. Added layout for SyncManualConnect dialog. Moved limit progress timer from SyncDownloadActivity to SyncDownloadPresenter to re-use on iOS.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SyncManualConnectFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncManualConnect.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Styles.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 4945faa4
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 16:43:08
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added connection change receiver.
SyncDeviceSpecifications: Added event and method for connection change notifications.
SyncListenerServer: Now stopping the HTTP service when wifi is unavailable; starting the service again when wifi returns.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Receivers/ConnectionChangeReceiver.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ISyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Objects/NetworkState.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncListenerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/ConnectionStatusChangedMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e3a81c75
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 21:02:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed grid view layout to fill the album art exactly 2 columns to fit any device. It works now but as expected it creates a giant memory leak which will be fixed later. The wrong album art is also shown most of the time. Tried to setup an AlarmManager to update the widget more frequently but haven't found the right recipe yet.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/SquareImageView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidget.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidgetProvider.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayerLoading.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/xml/widget_player.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetKey.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master df565e70
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 23:21:13
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bugs in grid view adapter for MobileLibraryBrowser. Works pretty well now except for the memory leak.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 591c564a
Timestamp: 2013-07-22 18:56:39
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bug in BitmapCache where the LruCache would not calculate the bitmap size correctly. This finally makes the cache able to flush the older bitmaps, but this doesn't completely fix the memory leaks related to bitmaps.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Objects/GenericListItem.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 4fd8d4a9
Timestamp: 2013-07-23 20:43:15
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed more memory leaks related to bitmaps. There might be other leaks but the new code seems to release most of the memory. Once again, I had to reimplement the way the ViewPager in the MainActivity handles the MobileLibraryBrowser fragments. This time the fragments are never actually replaced; the fragment is refreshed through the presenter instead. This fixes also the empty fragments often shown when changing fragments (clicking on an item or using the Back button). The ViewPager is one of the most buggiest control I've ever seen. Android never ceases to amaze me, every time! The iOS version will keep spawning new views as needed.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainTabStatePagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IMobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e0b2c6bb
Timestamp: 2013-07-23 22:57:44
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Adjusted bitmap cache sizes depending on screen size, layout bug fixes in MobileLibraryBrowser, and now using SquareImageView when displaying album art throughout the application.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master b6afff84
Timestamp: 2013-07-25 18:26:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Renamed all icons for actionbar with the actionbar_ prefix instead of icon_.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresets_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/player_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/syncmenu_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master f699a5f6
Timestamp: 2013-07-25 20:16:56
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added a lot of new icons. Added buttons when long pressing the MobileLibraryBrowser list view items.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/listviewoptions_fade_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/listviewoptions_fade_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresetdetails_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_equalizer.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_speaker.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_equalizer.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_speaker.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_equalizer.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_speaker.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_equalizer.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_speaker.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_trash.png Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 6f0d0d34
Timestamp: 2013-07-25 23:23:53
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added new long press contextual menu for MobileLibraryBrowser list view. Play and Delete buttons are functional. Added new sync actionbar icon. Lots of layout bug fixes in EqualizerPreset screens.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_sync.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_sync.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_sync.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_sync.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 500200f5
Timestamp: 2013-07-29 19:22:25
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]

Added more classes for bitmap cache, to try to reproduce the examples from Google, but they turn out slower than the previous implementation. I will leave them in the project for now.

Added a ViewFlipper in MobileLibraryBrowser layout to animate the transition between queries. Also added a breadcrumb.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/AsyncBitmapDrawable.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapLruCache.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapWorkerTask.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_back_slide_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_back_slide_out.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_slide_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_slide_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IMobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master b47bfe2e
Timestamp: 2013-07-30 19:17:41
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed mininum SDK version and added block to load Android 4.1+ stuff on MainActivity. Works on Android 4.0.3 and 4.1.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e2768f45
Timestamp: 2013-07-30 21:38:42
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed layout bugs in Equalizer Preset and Equalizer Preset Details layouts. Added list selector for all white background lists. Replaced bitmaps for checkmark and action bar save.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetsListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenuCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/color/list_secondarytext.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/color/list_text.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/list_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 314c474a
Timestamp: 2013-07-31 19:12:16
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed layout bugs on Equalizer Preset screens. Implemented drawing for Equalizer Preset Graph View. Fixed several bugs in Equalizer Preset logic. Added selector for buttons. Added prototype for Wi-fi Direct and Network Device Discovery for Android 4.1+.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetFadersListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/EqualizerPresetGraphView.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/ActionListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/DiscoveryListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/PeerListListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/RegistrationListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/ResolveListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Receivers/WifiDirectReceiver.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/AndroidDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetFaderCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncManualConnect.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/button_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/list_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master f48fd4f3
Timestamp: 2013-08-01 22:02:28
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Finally found the right recipe (so far) for updating the widget with player information. It even loads the album art now! However, the buttons aren't clickable yet.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/EqualizerPresetGraphView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidgetProvider.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 05066fd6
Timestamp: 2013-08-01 23:03:14
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added spinner adapter for action bar. Started implementing the output meter view.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainSpinnerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/spinner_dropdown_item.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/StringArray.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 9c8102bc
Timestamp: 2013-08-19 10:47:30
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: More work on notification bar/widget/player service. Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PitchShiftingFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerMetadataFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SplashFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/TimeShiftingFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidgetProvider.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/BigNotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/NotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 47ed66ca
Timestamp: 2013-08-26 18:40:50
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: More work on WidgetService; songs can now be skipped, play/pause works. Trying to close the application properly from notification. Updated project after changed on other platforms.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidgetProvider.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/button_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/list_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 49265704
Timestamp: 2013-08-26 20:41:32
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Now displaying big notification layout on Android 4.1+. Notification layours are now updating correctly including album art on big notification layout.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/BigNotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/NotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 51e954b8
Timestamp: 2013-08-26 22:36:00
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: More work on WidgetService; the widget is now updated like the notification bar. However changing the player state outside the widget has a lag of 5 seconds before being updated. Now changing play/pause state, loading album art in both cases.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/BigNotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/NotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 25e699a6
Timestamp: 2013-08-27 00:24:31
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Trying to fix the bug where the player restarts the playlist when coming back in the application through the notification bar.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/BaseActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/NotificationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 612bbfaa
Timestamp: 2013-08-27 15:44:34
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Created prototype for lock screen activity/controls.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/BaseActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Receivers/LockReceiver.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LockScreen.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/ApplicationCloseMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master d47b5e24
Timestamp: 2013-08-27 19:15:55
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Lock screen almost completed! The only thing missing is the ability to change the song position. Everything else is done; the album art is updated, the play controls work and are updated, etc.The lock screen designed is inspired by iOS 7's lock screen when playing audio.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Receivers/LockReceiver.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LockScreen.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MarkersPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IPlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 9b6d8012
Timestamp: 2013-08-27 22:11:39
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: The player position can now be changed in the lock screen. Fixed bugs in lock screen.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/PlayerSetPositionMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 8038d63e
Timestamp: 2013-08-28 17:54:09
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bugs in reporting player position (the player was not checking for use of floating point). RequestPosition in lock screen and player activities is no longer called when changing seek bar position without user input. Fixed bugs in lock screen. Added Close bitmap for notification. Notificaton bar: Close button is now aligned top right; close now closes all activities using BaseActivity. Updated text view padding in Player/LockScreen layouts to space text of different sizes correctly.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/BaseActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Receivers/LockReceiver.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/NotificationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/BigNotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LockScreen.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/NotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlayerMetadata.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_close.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_close_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_close.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_close_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_close.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_close_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_close.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_close_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/ActivateLockScreenMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/ApplicationCloseMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master de138cae
Timestamp: 2013-08-28 19:29:33
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added PlaylistActivity; not fully functional yet. Added playlist/shuffle/repeat buttons to lock screen. Added shuffle/repeat commands to PlayerCommandMessage. Added new icon for playlist.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlaylistActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerMetadataFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LockScreen.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Playlist.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/PlayerCommandMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IPlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerMetadataPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerMetadataView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master ee1b7a82
Timestamp: 2013-08-28 21:18:29
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Playlist activity is complete with current IPlaylistView definition. Lock screen now showing 'mouse on' bitmaps. Updated bitmaps for shuffle and repeat to match the size of other player icons. Changed notification/widget/lockscreen background color to a darker color. Fixed non-floating point bugs in player, but the position is still wrong when the next song plays.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlaylistActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/NotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayerLoading.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 543fc948
Timestamp: 2013-08-28 21:38:50
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed regression crash bug when selecting an item in SyncMenuActivity.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 3ae02334
Timestamp: 2013-08-29 00:49:52
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Main activity: Got rid of the ViewPager; the action bar combo box now works as a way to change tabs. Lots of work, but there's still a few bugs to fix.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_back_slide_in.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_back_slide_out.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_changetab_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_changetab_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_slide_in.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_slide_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 5a458302
Timestamp: 2013-08-31 12:23:59
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Trying to make the playlist list cells movable; there's no standard way in Android to do this. Thank you Google once again for a job well done. Apple = 2 lines of code. Android = Dude, this is rocket science, you should create a class based on ListView and do it yourself.

Fixed big notification/standard notification switch. Added rounded corners to all buttons.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlaylistActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/CustomListView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/NotificationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/BigNotificationPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Playlist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/button_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 94debbf2
Timestamp: 2013-08-31 14:38:24
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed back/up navigation of Playlist; it now returns to the correct previous activity. Added move icon for movable cells. More work on trying to make cells movable in ListView.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlaylistActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/CustomListView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_move.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_move.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_move.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_move.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerMetadataPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master c49ef996
Timestamp: 2013-09-01 11:22:27
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Updated project with new TinyIoC build.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/CustomListView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 2ac248a7
Timestamp: 2013-09-03 23:02:50
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added rounded transparent button theme throughout the application. Now building the project with Xamarin.Android 4.8.1; debugging works again on Android 4.3.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/transparentbutton_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LibraryPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LockScreen.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Loops.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/ISQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/WinRTSQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/LibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 8ba16e44
Timestamp: 2013-09-04 15:26:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bugs in tab/query history when switching browser type using the action bar spinner. Now selecting Artists spinner value when starting the app.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IMobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 50a278ac
Timestamp: 2013-09-04 17:00:07
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bugs when refreshing markers after re-opening Player view from the player bar in the Main view. Introducing the ViewDestroyed event in BasePresenter; added calls in MobileNavigationManager and NavigationManager.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/NavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/BasePresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IBasePresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IPlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MarkersPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master a2ac5778
Timestamp: 2013-09-04 22:24:44
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed all bugs for refreshing content in Loops/Markers/TimeShifting/PitchShifting when returning to PlayerActivity by touching the player bar in MainActivity. Everything works just like the first time the activity is created.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Loops.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PitchShiftingPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/TimeShiftingPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IPlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 76c6d52d
Timestamp: 2013-09-05 20:10:08
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed style for action bar spinner.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/spinner_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/spinner_dropdown_item.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Styles.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master f280d20e
Timestamp: 2013-09-05 23:53:12
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added secondary menu to album cells.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/albumcellbutton_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/spinner_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_trash.png Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master ef98aa4f
Timestamp: 2013-09-07 14:06:33
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bugs for secondary menu in AlbumCell. Added different layout for 7" tablets (i.e. Nexus 7); the button layout is much different and adds text. The album title/artist name panel has been updated to make it a bit bigger.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/layout-sw400dp-hdpi/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master a705fb0f
Timestamp: 2013-09-07 14:58:17
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added ViewFlipper for MiniPlayer in Main view; now displaying playlist stats on the second slide. Added chevron buttons to switch between mini player and mini playlist. The mini playlist doesn't have contents yet.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_slide_in.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_slide_out.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/gridviewoptions_fade_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/gridviewoptions_fade_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/miniplayer_chevronright.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/miniplayer_chevronright.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/miniplayer_chevronright.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/miniplayer_chevronright.png Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master ef949454
Timestamp: 2013-09-07 22:03:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed all glyphs for player with ligher colors. Pretty much finished layout for mini playlist in Main Activity. Items can now be added to the playlist from the MobileLibraryBrowser.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/miniplayerchevron_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Loops.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlayerMetadata.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/miniplayer_chevronright.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/miniplayer_chevronright_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_close.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_close_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/miniplayer_chevronright.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/miniplayer_chevronright_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_close.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_close_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/miniplayer_chevronright.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/miniplayer_chevronright_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_close.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_close_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/miniplayer_chevronleft_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/miniplayer_chevronright.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/miniplayer_chevronright_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_close.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_close_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/layout-sw400dp-hdpi/PlayerMetadata.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/ILibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/LibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 04f49d26
Timestamp: 2013-09-08 02:14:25
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added album art of each artist in Artist cell in MobileLibraryBrowser. It is way faster than I thought with a gradient over album art. The content isn't 100% dynamic yet. Several layout bug fixes throughout the app.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/listgradient_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LibraryPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master c6523739
Timestamp: 2013-09-08 02:50:54
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Album art preview in Artist cells is now fully dynamic. I must admit the result is really awesome and much better than I thought. This feature is at the same time a "really nice to have" but also a very nice eye candy addition. This should be easy to add on iPad later.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Models/LibraryBrowserEntity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master b5529bbd
Timestamp: 2013-09-08 18:41:13
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed look of secondary menu in Artist cell. Now aligned with album art. However adding ImageButton seems to have blocked selecting the cell when the buttons are visible (just like the grid view...)

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/EqualizerPresetGraphView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 1c82b8c3
Timestamp: 2013-09-10 21:07:27
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added ViewHolder pattern and fixed bugs for secondary menu of ListView and GridView of MobileLibraryBrowser. Fixed several bugs with album art in Artist cell. Added logic to IPlayerStatusView; now used by LockScreenActivity and MainActivity. Splash screen is now hidden correctly after second app start.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/scale_test.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerStatusPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerStatusView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Events/PlayerPlaylistIndexChangedData.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - ProjectSync/Main.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - Setup/license.txt Diff ] File ]
mod - Setup/setup.iss Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master b462400d
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 17:54:38
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added dialog for selecting playlist. The playlist list view is has dummy data for now.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlaylistActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistItemListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/dialogbutton_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistItemCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/color/dialoglist_text.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Lib/WindowsPhone/x86/taglib-sharp.dll Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MainPage.xaml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MainPage.xaml.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 93563788
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 18:29:02
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added glyphs for cancel and select. Added AddNewPlaylist dialog fragment with layout.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AddNewPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/color/dialogbutton_text.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master ff14f73e
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 18:40:25
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Replaced Cancel/Select glyphs for dialogs.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 6400ea76
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 19:14:45
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added spinner in MainActivity to select playlist.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/playlist_spinner_item.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 98c7af64
Timestamp: 2013-09-15 18:00:29
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added SelectPlaylistPresenter/View and AddNewPlaylistPresenter/View. Those fragments are now using the presenter. These fragments are now created inside presenters. They are still using dummy data though.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AddNewPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseDialogFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SplashFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/listviewoptions_fade_in.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/listviewoptions_fade_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrap/Bootstrapper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Models/PlaylistEntity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/AddNewPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IAddNewPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IAddNewPlaylistView.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISelectPlaylistView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 09c73aaa
Timestamp: 2013-09-15 22:37:26
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Playlists can now be saved in the database (but not their items yet). Added 1.06 database script. Fixed bug in database gateway field mapping.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AddNewPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LibraryPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Core/DatabaseFieldMap.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/DatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/IDatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/ISQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/MonoSQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Scripts/1.05-1.06.sql Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/ILibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/LibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/AddNewPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/InitializationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISelectPlaylistView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/Playlist.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 56d61554
Timestamp: 2013-09-16 16:44:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added saving playlist items.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/DatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/IDatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Objects/PlaylistAudioFile.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/ILibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/LibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/PlaylistUpdatedMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Models/PlaylistEntity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerStatusPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerStatusView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISelectPlaylistView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/Playlist.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/PlaylistItem.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 24d72642
Timestamp: 2013-09-16 19:24:51
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Updated mini playlist design.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master b6991684
Timestamp: 2013-09-16 21:26:17
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Yet another new layout for the mini playlist; it is much better than the other layouts. Fixed all bugs in PlaylistCell layout. Added glyph for disabled select in dialogs.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/selectimage_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_select_disabled.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_select_disabled.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_select_disabled.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_select_disabled.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 6bafd9eb
Timestamp: 2013-09-18 21:20:09
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Added album art in Artist cells in MobileLibraryBrowser. Works very well for now, but a few bugs have to be fixed. It's already 60fps because iOS is much faster than Android (even for faster CPUs), but the actual album art loading is a bit slower than on the S4. I'll take 60fps vs faster album art loading but lower FPS.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/MobileLibraryBrowserViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmTableViewCell.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 886c9e10
Timestamp: 2013-09-21 14:52:40
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Trying to make non-floating point wave data work. Not there yet. Still not understanding why Android cannot do proper hardware floating point performance. I guess Google is too busy making marketing deals with a candy company instead.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/EqualizerPresetsPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IPlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/IPlayer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetWrapper/Channel.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetWrapper/IChannel.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 40de7af3
Timestamp: 2013-09-21 16:23:51
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Wave data is now correctly processed for non-floating point devices (still have to do more testing to fully confirm that). Output meter is now rendering something much more accurate than before; still have more work to do on rendering.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/EqualizerPresetsPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 04f4940b
Timestamp: 2013-09-21 16:36:15
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Output meter right bar is now rendering correctly. However, the wave data seems to return almost the same value for the left channel and the right channel compared to iOS. Must be a bug in processing mixer data on non-floating point devices.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 2783a81c
Timestamp: 2013-09-21 19:36:53
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bug where the left/right channel would have the same wave data. The problem was the 32-bit integers coming out of BASS.NET were actually combining left/right values in the same integer (low-word/high-word).

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/EqualizerPresetsPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetWrapper/Base.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master d90efccc
Timestamp: 2013-09-21 20:05:30
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: OutputMeterView now scaling correctly to full control height.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 8d789bc1
Timestamp: 2013-09-22 21:05:18
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Now using 16-bit integers instead of 32-bit integers to carry wave data from PlayerService to EqualizerPresetsPresenter. Added shadow for text and GPU optimization in OutputMeterView.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/EqualizerPresetsPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IPlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master a0760747
Timestamp: 2013-09-22 22:30:07
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Integrating wave form branch! PeakFileService now supports non-floating point decoding channels. The WaveFormView control now displays the status of generating a peak file. WaveFormCacheManager is based on the same class on iOS; all that's left to do is to actually draw the waveform in a bitmap in another thread. But generating a peak file and loading it afterwards works and does not slow down the UI or the player so far. An interface/abstract should be added later to WaveFormCacheManager to centralize as much code as possible.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/WaveFormView.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Managers/Events/GeneratePeakFileEventArgs.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Managers/Events/GenerateWaveFormEventArgs.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Managers/Events/LoadPeakFileEventArgs.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Managers/WaveFormCacheManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetWrapper/Channel.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 8a17e00d
Timestamp: 2013-09-22 23:23:26
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: WAVE FORMS ARE NOW WORKING ON ANDROID! WOOHOO! This includes reporting the player position and the secondary position when the user changes the position using the seek bar. Still missing markers display, scale, zoom and scroll, but still, this is a huge achievement. Haven't tested memory leaks though, I would not be surprised memory is leaking.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/WaveFormView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Managers/WaveFormCacheManager.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 0daacb63
Timestamp: 2013-09-23 21:08:46
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Optimized OutputMeterView and WaveFormView. PlayerActivity now regenerates bitmap for wave form on configuration change.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/WaveFormView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 6d76060c
Timestamp: 2013-09-23 22:13:29
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added custom seek bar style with drawables (no images!).

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/progress.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/progress_background.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/progress_fill.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/thumb.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetFaderCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 92cb3b43
Timestamp: 2013-09-23 22:24:30
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added big thumb for seek bars.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/thumb_big.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 2c7d1a8b
Timestamp: 2013-09-24 17:24:48
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: New round button design for player controls. Moved playlist button to action bar. Now using a huge play/pause button for the lock screen and a new design. Added watermark for EditText controls. Removed "selector" from drawable file names. EqualizerPresetGraphView now uses a SurfaceView.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/EqualizerPresetGraphView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/roundbutton.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LibraryPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LockScreen.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Loops.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Playlist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/actionbar_spinner_item.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/playlist_spinner_item.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresetdetails_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresets_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/player_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/syncmenu_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/layout-sw400dp-hdpi/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Objects/EQPreset.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 48517e01
Timestamp: 2013-09-25 18:34:49
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added carrousel dots in Player activity. Updated drawable for round buttons.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PreferencesActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainTabStatePagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/TabPagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/ViewPagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/carrouseldot.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/roundbutton.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LockScreen.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 60e5b328
Timestamp: 2013-09-26 17:41:42
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added AddMarker presenter/view/fragment. Fixed crash bug with notification bar for Android 4.0.3.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AddMarkerFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/NotificationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddMarker.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrap/Bootstrapper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IAddPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MarkersPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IAddMarkerView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMarkersView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 91c187a2
Timestamp: 2013-09-27 16:49:23
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Added secondary menu buttons to Album collection view. More work to come. Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SplashPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/MobileLibraryBrowserViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmCollectionAlbumViewCell.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Images/Buttons/back.png Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Images/Buttons/back@2x.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/MPfm.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 9e2a7197
Timestamp: 2013-10-02 19:14:41
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added SelectFoldersFragment/View/Presenter. Does not have logic yet.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/FolderListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/LibraryPreferencesFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectFoldersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/FolderCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LibraryPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectFolders.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrap/Bootstrapper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISelectFoldersPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/LibraryPreferencesPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectFoldersPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ILibraryPreferencesView.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISelectFoldersView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmPreferences.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 83cfdecb
Timestamp: 2013-10-04 18:06:37
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added logic to SelectFolderPresenter. Not able to actually select folders yet, but the list of folders is now presented in a ListView inside SelectFolderFragment.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/FolderListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectFoldersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/FolderCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectFolders.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ISyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Models/FolderEntity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectFoldersPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISelectFoldersView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 3b64a4e8
Timestamp: 2013-10-14 23:08:39
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: AppConfigProvider is now completed; saving key/value preferences locally and on iCloud. Also added Dropbox Sync API to the project; all you can do for now is sign in, but it works!

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/MoreViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Delegates/AppDelegate.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Providers/iOSAppConfigProvider.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Info.plist Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/MPfm.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 5ba5a051
Timestamp: 2013-10-15 17:49:20
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added Dropbox Sync API bindings. A quick authentication test has been added to SyncActivity temporarily.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Lib/Dropbox.Android.dll Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi-v7a/ Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Lib/armeabi/ Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Lib/x86/ Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master e5ae640c
Timestamp: 2013-10-15 19:49:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: FINALLY fixed crash bug when clicking on options menu on Samsung devices. The problem was due to setting a color to panelFullBackground instead of a drawable. However, the text is black instead of white... haven't found a solution in the last hour and a half. Sometimes Android makes you sweat for stupid reasons like that...

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/optionsmenu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Styles.xml Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master b409f47a
Timestamp: 2013-10-15 22:27:50
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Dropbox Datastore API prototype completed and works beautifully. Added ISyncCloudView; doesn't contain anything yet, the view is just a way to test Cloud SDKs for now.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncCloudActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncCloud.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrap/Bootstrapper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISyncCloudPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncCloudPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncCloudView.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 1d557631
Timestamp: 2013-10-16 16:36:55
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bugs in Dropbox Sync prototype.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncCloudActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 15a88d51
Timestamp: 2013-10-16 23:24:31
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Moved Dropbox Sync prototype to a service in MPfm.Library.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncCloudActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/AndroidDropboxService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Lib/Common.Logging.dll Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Lib/Spring.Rest.dll Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Lib/Spring.Social.Core.dll Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Lib/Spring.Social.Dropbox.dll Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/DropboxCoreService.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/IDropboxService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmSync.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Program.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 91c1366d
Timestamp: 2013-10-17 00:01:24
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Can now successfully push player current song to Dropbox Datastore in PlayerService!

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncCloudActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/AndroidDropboxService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ISyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/IDropboxService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master cb5ba7ff
Timestamp: 2013-10-18 22:35:40
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added IResumePlaybackView and ISyncConnectManualView.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/ResumePlaybackActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/ResumePlayback.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrap/Bootstrapper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/NavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IResumePlaybackPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISyncConnectManualPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MainPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/ResumePlaybackPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncConnectManualPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/InitializationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMainView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileOptionsMenuView.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IResumePlaybackView.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncConnectManualView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmMain.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmMain.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmMain.resx Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmResumePlayback.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmResumePlayback.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmResumePlayback.resx Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Program.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/MPfm.Windows.csproj Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master c816ef6c
Timestamp: 2013-10-21 21:47:03
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: More work on Dropbox prototype; now syncing playlist and player status using JSON files. Updated Dropbox.Android bindings.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncCloudActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/AndroidDropboxService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Lib/Dropbox.Android.dll Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/DropboxCoreService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm: master 49647747
Timestamp: 2013-10-23 17:25:59
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Resume playback now works as well as iOS!

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/ResumePlaybackActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/ResumePlaybackListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/AndroidDropboxService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/ResumePlayback.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/ResumePlaybackCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Objects/CloudDeviceInfo.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Objects/CloudPlaylist.cs Diff ] File ]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-01-11 17:58 ycastonguay New Issue
2013-01-11 17:58 ycastonguay Status new => assigned
2013-01-11 17:58 ycastonguay Assigned To => ycastonguay
2013-01-11 17:58 ycastonguay Issue generated from 0000405
2013-01-11 18:14 ycastonguay Relationship added child of 0000302
2013-01-11 18:14 ycastonguay Target Version =>
2013-01-11 18:15 svn Checkin
2013-01-11 18:15 svn Note Added: 0000886
2013-01-11 21:53 svn Checkin
2013-01-11 21:53 svn Note Added: 0000889
2013-01-13 14:18 svn Checkin
2013-01-13 14:18 svn Note Added: 0000894
2013-01-15 21:31 svn Checkin
2013-01-15 21:31 svn Note Added: 0000906
2013-01-20 16:15 svn Checkin
2013-01-20 16:15 svn Note Added: 0000910
2013-01-23 21:54 svn Checkin
2013-01-23 21:54 svn Note Added: 0000914
2013-01-28 20:17 svn Checkin
2013-01-28 20:17 svn Note Added: 0000915
2013-01-29 19:35 svn Checkin
2013-01-29 19:35 svn Note Added: 0000917
2013-01-30 20:23 svn Checkin
2013-01-30 20:23 svn Note Added: 0000918
2013-02-05 17:16 svn Checkin
2013-02-05 17:16 svn Note Added: 0000919
2013-02-05 18:13 svn Checkin
2013-02-05 18:13 svn Note Added: 0000920
2013-02-11 23:51 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master fddbe78f
2013-02-13 18:27 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 19d5d7b9
2013-03-14 17:14 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master fed9c4c1
2013-04-11 18:23 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 75ee7594
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master e8d377a4
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master e4d97346
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master adcd6ad2
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 8886b92b
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 4e8cdee6
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 7fd437e3
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master e69bac39
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 5dc027d7
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 5ecda3d2
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master cd63e0db
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 6bb7ee77
2013-07-09 21:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master ec7755ac
2013-07-10 20:01 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master cc140c29
2013-07-11 18:11 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master c811cb1a
2013-07-11 18:11 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master bafc706d
2013-07-11 19:50 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master f73655ec
2013-07-15 19:15 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 85989438
2013-07-15 19:42 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 5a744ac2
2013-07-15 20:08 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master e261e1d8
2013-07-15 20:47 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 6baad04e
2013-07-16 17:18 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master d637f969
2013-07-16 21:55 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 7107d2b8
2013-07-16 23:02 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master e387e42b
2013-07-17 19:12 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 7f82bf59
2013-07-18 18:46 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 2d7d71b0
2013-07-18 23:21 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master bd46b05c
2013-07-18 23:21 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master b9dec160
2013-07-19 15:20 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master c124f562
2013-07-20 22:15 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master e1dacbd7
2013-07-21 12:09 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 8309f680
2013-07-21 16:07 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master bffddb90
2013-07-21 16:43 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 4945faa4
2013-07-21 21:03 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master e3a81c75
2013-07-21 23:21 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master df565e70
2013-07-22 18:58 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 591c564a
2013-07-23 20:44 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master 4fd8d4a9
2013-07-23 22:59 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master e0b2c6bb
2013-07-25 20:17 ycastonguay Changeset attached => GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm master b6afff84
2013-07-25 20:17 ycastonguay Changeset attached